Be Holy, Be Happy!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter for 8 days! Celebrate!!

*During the Easter Octave revisit one of the readings of the Easter Vigil for each of the 8 days.


Pray:  That I would receive these things more fully and with gratitude...


DAY ONE - 1st Reading:  Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a -  Creation Story

…the gift that he has given us that we have no part of and no claim to. 


DAY TWO - 2nd Reading:  Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 – Abraham and Isaac

…Is there any place where I am not trusting you?  Strengthen me.  Is there anything I am clinging to?  Help me surrender.


DAY THREE - 3rd Reading:  Ex 14:15—15:1 – Parting of the Red Sea

…Is there any place in my life where I am held captive? Stuck? Need defense against my enemies? Are there any obstacles I need removed?


DAY FOUR - 4th Reading:  Is 54:5-14 – The Lord Calls you Back

…Lord, in what ways do I need to be reconciled to you?  Help me to be faithful.


DAY FIVE -  5th Reading:  Is 55:1-11 – All you who are thirsty, come to the water.

…Lord, show me where I am trying to earn your blessing.  Where do I need to be more secure?  Help me to give up trying to earn or manufacture your love.  Help me to trust in your love as it is given as an unearned, freely given gift. 


DAY SIX - 6th Reading:  Bar 3:9-15, 32C4:48 – Love Wisdom

…Lord, whose wisdom I am trying to follow? Help me to follow your plan for my life. Help me to set aside opinions of others and seek you out instead, welcoming you, following you. 


DAY SEVEN - 7th Reading:  Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28 – I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you.

…Lord, help me to receive a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  Help me to be transformed by the renewal of my mind.  Make my heart like yours so that I may forever live in glory –under the loving gaze of the Father!


DAY EIGHT - 8th Reading:  Rom 6:3-11  - If, then, we have died with Christ… we shall also live with him. 

…that I may be glad and rejoice intensely because of your great joy and glory, my Risen Lord Jesus!  (from the 4th week of the Spiritual Exercises)


 *from notes taken by Jackie Logue at Easter Vigil – St. Patrick’s Church 4-23-2011.  Father Scott Traynor presiding.


Friday, April 15, 2011

LENT 2011

Thought for the day ... G. Giaquinta

Let us meditate on what it means to risk, to dare, to let go and let God, to lay ourselves on the line and declare “Your will be done, use me as you will.”


Monday, April 4, 2011


My Mother, My Confidence!


Dear Tom, Mike and James:


Today is your anniversary as Social Animators. Do you remember April 4, 2002? You committed yourselves to promote brotherhood within society and prayed,

“May the thirst of the Crucified Lord

and the gaze of Mary,

our mother and sister,

encourage me to be

light, leaven, and presence

of Christ in the world.”

Congratulations, dear brothers! Know that we are proud of you, pray for you, and wish you to actualize God’s plan of holiness and brotherhood for you and through you for society.


In Jesus’ peace and love,

The Apostolic Oblates, and the Pro Sanctity Movement
