Be Holy, Be Happy!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #92

We have to be humble rather than making mountains out of molehills… We need to be people who have perspective, seeing things as the good Lord has made them, without exaggeration. We have to be able to see ourselves, others, and God rightly. (Charity)


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #91

How can we live in charity? I suggest to you two remedies, one we might call theoretical and the other practical. Humility is the theoretical remedy, because a person who is profoundly humble cannot lack charity; she may lack it in her first, immediate reaction, but then she recovers, humbles herself, excuses herself, asks forgiveness, and goes back to peace and simplicity. (Charity)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #90

Behold the deeper roots of a lack of charity! They are: selfishness, pride, and a lack of supernatural spirit. If we want to have environments in which there is true charity, we must establish them through the elimination of selfishness, pride and the lack of supernatural spirit. Until we conquer the roots of a lack of charity, we delude ourselves if we think that we have won the battle for charity. (Charity)


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #89

We have to correct our sinful tendencies, halt our nervousness, and master ourselves. First of all, though, we must overcome our selfishness because the true root of lack of charity very often is not found in the reaction, in the immediate reaction which sometimes surprises us, but in the lack of a deeper charity—that is, we are deficient in self-mastery and have succumbed to selfishness.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #88

What is the deep root of lack of charity that is often in us? What is the profound reason for our lack of charity? I think that the common foundation is selfishness, pride, and a lack of supernatural spirit. Selfishness has the principal place because it comes so naturally to us to constantly focus on ourselves. (Charity)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #87

Grace and love, by their nature as gifts from God, are not limited but tend to expand further. Expansion or amplitude of love and grace are infinite in God; on our part, as much as possible, the Lord wants us to be holy, burning with love, striving limitlessly toward the infinite that is Himself. (Charity)


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #86

We have to root ourselves in Christ Jesus; we have to become Jesus as St. Paul said: I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. I can do all. Let us repeat this when we are tired, when we are exhausted, when we are hopeless, when we see everything dark— I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. We have to root ourselves in Christ; we have to become Christ. (The Rock)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #85

A clean and bright window is one thing; a very dusty window is something else, even if it is always glass. It is the same for venial sin. God’s love—always limpid, crystal clear, and pure—is spotted by venial sin. Who of us does not commit venial sins? Certainly we acknowledge that we commit venial sins not because God wants us to fall, but because we know that we are weak and frail and so commit venial sins every day. It would be beautiful if, at the end of the day, a person could say that she had not committed any venial sins. She could say to the Lord, “Look, Lord, today I did not commit any venial sins.” On such a day, God’s love would have fully triumphed in the soul of this child of love! (Charity)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #84

Exactly because God loves us, we benefit from His grace which places us on a supernatural level close to Him. Through grace we become God’s children, His heirs, co-heirs with Christ, and this means that we have a right to glory, to the beatific eternity. Glory is nothing other than the growth of grace: today grace, tomorrow glory! (Charity)


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #83

Fundamentally love implies self-offering. It is pure in itself and so does not have limits. Love tends to the maximum of offering, to the consummation of oneself; this is the intrinsic law of love. (Charity)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #82

We must strive to avoid being divided. We have to be united and holy, united in the law of charity and graciousness. (Charity)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #81

Tenderness has two essential qualities: that of motherhood and that of being naturally nurturing. The quality of
motherhood is characteristic of mothers, and we use this adjective especially to express the maternal sense that is the most exquisite, delicate and profound sense that we can find in the order of charity. At the same time we have a quality that is not forced or imposed, but that comes from our very nature; it is innate, simple, and logical and is called tenderness. Tenderness is in God because in Him there is the maximum of motherhood—creative motherhood—and there is the maximum of that innate sense of tenderness because He acts according to His nature. Out of our awareness, Divine Providence disposes everything for our good. We can see the effects of God’s action without being able to perceive His design. (Charity)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #80

We have to look tenderly at others. When we are peaceful and calm, we gaze tenderly at others. When we are disturbed, we gaze at others with negativity and project our negativity. The eyes and their gaze are the most faithful reflection of our soul. We have to judge with benevolence. This is an inner issue. If we are habitually good, whenever we judge, we judge with gentleness and understanding. When we are harsh, we judge with harshness and severity. (Charity)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #79

We have to be attentive to our immediate and spontaneous reactions. When something happens, immediately we have an interior reaction that, without strong self-control, can become an exterior reaction. When we don’t like a person, we feel it interiorly and express it exteriorly. We must overcome ourselves so that, even for a moment, we do not manifest exteriorly our interior reaction. As we speak of charity in acting, in speaking, in judging, we must also speak sensitively of all these things. (Charity)


Friday, January 17, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #78

We have to understand our weaknesses and our sensitivities. When we feel reactive, we have to be prepared to overcome ourselves. On one hand we have to know ourselves, and on the other hand we have to master ourselves. (Charity)


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #77

We love our neighbor to the degree that we have charity. The reason is that our neighbor participates in the reality of God and thus we love God in our neighbor. This is the most profound reason for our love of neighbor. It is not only the feeling of liking or disliking someone, but it is the profound reality of God that we find in our neighbor. (Charity)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #76

Charity is benevolent; it does ‘good’ out of love for our Lord and not for self-interest. It does not enjoy injustice, but rejoices when it sees truth that triumphs and goodness that is elevated. It rejoices in the good of others. Charity accommodates all, knows how to accept all with tranquility; it hopes all and bears all. Charity does not become discouraged; it knows how to wait, it knows how to hope; it does not stop to look at obstacles nor spend time creating obstacles. Charity hopes, trusts, overcomes difficulties, and bears all. (Charity)


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #75

Charity is patient; even when we are interiorly nervous, we are able to overcome this challenge and master ourselves. (Charity)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #74

Eucharistic transformation: it is not Christ who is transformed in us, but we are transformed in Him. If we truly were able to vitalize our Communions, gradually we would be transformed into Jesus. If, after so many years of daily Communion, we are not yet transformed into Him, it means that our Communions are not vital or transforming. Only one Holy Communion would be enough to make a person a saint! (Charity)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #73

God does not command the impossible: fidelis est Deus -God is faithful {1 Cor. 1-9}. Therefore we can do His will with trust and with a supernatural spirit, not to show off, or because others see us, or hold us in high esteem, or judge us well. All these things are foolishness because the Lord alone is the One who is to judge us well. Thus let us do everything for Him with a supernatural spirit, with generosity, total self-offering and with all our strength. Jesus taught us: You shall love the Lord your God with all your strength {Mark 12:30}, not simply with our whole heart, soul, and spirit, but with all our strength—that is, totally and completely. (Charity)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #72

We have to seek God’s will, and then once we find it, let us adhere to it unconditionally, regardless of the way it comes to us. Always remember that God’s permissive will exists, too! May we not look for the will of God and then not do it, but once we know it, adhere to it unconditionally, even if it is His permissive will—a mistake or, if you wish, people’s malice. Perfection consists in this. Clearly I am now teaching you the way of perfection and of holiness; I am not teaching you how to steal or to kill. Perfection consists of the union of our will with the will of God. Jesus’ food was to do the will of the Father; we instead have as food our whims, our will, and not the will of God. (Charity)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #71

We have to embody God’s love to the maximum in our own lives. God lives in me, so I am a God-bearer. During the day let us remember that we are God-bearers. Let’s try to animate every action with this thought: “I have God in my soul. God is present in me. This action that I am performing I am not doing by myself, but God does it through me. God sees me. He continuously moves me. God needs my love; He wants my love.” During the day let us ask ourselves: “What does the Lord want from me?” During an action—not only at the beginning of the action or at the end, but also during the action—let us think of God and of His presence. This is how we live the union of our intelligence with God. (Charity)


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #70

It is good to ask Our Lord for His love, but not only an abstract love, a love of the will, but a tangible love. Experiencing a sensitive love for the Lord enables us to have a tangible love for our brothers and sisters. Then we have a complete sharing of our souls and, I would say, of our very selves, in the love we experience with our brothers and sisters, with their souls and with their whole being. (Charity)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #69

The law is essentially a law of love in the Mystical Body. This leads to some basic consequences because our love has to be measured by the greatness of the Mystical Body, and by its universality. My love must be as ample as the Mystical Body’s love, as great and far-reaching as the Mystical Body’s. Since the potential amplitude of the Mystical Body embraces all people, I have to love all people. I have to look at them as my brothers and sisters, even those whom I do not know. Perhaps I never will know them. I have to feel united in love for Christ Jesus with the members of the Mystical Body, and I have to look at the issues of the whole Mystical Body, of the whole Church, as if they were my own issues (because they are.) My love for all my brothers and sisters has to go beyond my own personal needs and my selfishness. (Charity)


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #68

Grace perfects nature; it does not destroy it. Therefore our love for our neighbor, for our brother, and for the other members of the Mystical Body cannot be abstract, hypothetical, or exclusively spiritual, but it must be love that accepts the brother in his human reality. (Charity)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #67

If Christ’s love—which is the visible and tangible expression of God’s love—has incorporated us into Him, if we are the expression of His love and live it in our lives, how can it be that we do not love one another? What necessarily follows is reciprocal love, loving one another, loving all. Please notice we are not just speaking of love for the whole body in general, but above all, of love for each individual member, and not only for their spiritual features, but for who and what they are objectively. (Charity)


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #66

The Church is the Body of Jesus; she is Jesus living His life down through the centuries; she is life that is lived through the members, and these members are incorporated into Christ through grace, through the Eucharist and, generally speaking, through the sacraments. As St. Thomas has taught us, those of us who were imprinted with the sacramental character at Baptism participate in Christ’s priesthood; therefore we participate in our redemption because the priesthood functions for redemption. Thus we are sharers—co-sharers—in our redemption and in the redemption of humanity. (Charity)


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #65

We are loved because we are incorporated into the Body of Christ, and Jesus incorporates us so we can be loved. This is the mystery of God’s love, the mystery of Jesus’s love. According to St. Paul we are the wild tree that has been grafted onto the fruitful olive tree that is Jesus. This grafting did not only take place when Jesus lived His earthly life in Palestine. He continues to graft us on to Him down through the centuries. Every Christian is inserted into Jesus Christ, and we reach the Father through this insertion into grace, on to Jesus the Vine, the true olive tree. Jesus has taught us that nobody can go to the Father except through Him Whom
the Father has sent. (Charity)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #64

If we ask ourselves why Jesus immolated Himself on the cross and why He is hidden in the Eucharist, the answer that we generally give is this: He had to redeem us. The more profound answer is different, though; the more profound answer is that He died on the cross and is hidden in the Eucharist because He loves us. If He had done this only to redeem us, a drop of His blood would have been sufficient because it has infinite value. What would be sufficient for justice, however, would not suffice for love. Thus we find ourselves facing a second unfathomable mystery: not simply the mystery of God’s creative love, but also the mystery of
Redemptive Love. (Charity)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #63

Because this is a mystery, an ineffable mystery, we cannot understand how real God’s need for man’s love is. Not only does man dare to love God, not only does God allow man to love Him and asks him for his love, but God manifests Himself demanding, needing, and begging for this love. (Charity)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #62

Today the Church celebrates the feast of Mary, Mother of God. It is beautiful that the New Year starts with Mary as mother because life comes from a mother. In this New Year the life of the Spirit has to be born in us from Mary our mother, the mother who gives us life. Mary is the person who has always given of herself; she was born in order to give. From the beginning we see Mary giving birth to Jesus, her Son, and then we see Mary giving Him to others. First the shepherds come. The Gospel does not give us details, but surely the shepherds come close to Baby Jesus to kiss Him, to caress Him, and to offer Him their gifts, and Mary lets them hold Him. Later the Magi come from afar. Most assuredly Mary shows them her Son, the Baby Jesus, and presents Him to them so that the Magi could kiss Him with love, with devotion and trepidation.

At the beginning of this New Year, this is the way that we want to see Mary: as a Mother who gives all to us. What does Mary give to us in particular? She gives us the gift of living with attention the gift of time. We don’t know how much time we are given, but that is not an issue; little or much time, we know that Mary intercedes for us, and therefore—regardless of the various events that will take place—we will deal with them with joy and love because Mary, our mother, is with us. (Charity)
