Be Holy, Be Happy!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Follow the star…

(Picture submitted by Pro Sanctity member Peg, from Wichita Kansas.)

By Giuliana Spigone

Duc in altum: let us take to the sea, let us go into the deep, let the Word guide us, and not be afraid to share the fatigue of the catch: the Master, Peter, and Padre Guglielmo are with us.

Let us begin again with Christ, let us go back to Jesus who accompanies us on the road making himself know in the “breaking of the bread.” Let us be vigilant, and attentive. With hearts filled with hope, let us recognize Him, his gestures, his Face, and then let us bring to our brothers and sisters the great news: “We have seen the Lord!” With Christ, let us climb the Mount of the Beatitudes: “blessed are the poor, blessed are the meek, the persecuted…” and experience peace in our hearts. At the center of this journey there is Christ, the perfect image of God and of man.

Let us be aware of our shared discipleship with the Master, and know that to be disciples means to look at Him, to live in Him, and to participate in his life. Here are the three verbs: to look, to live in, and to participate – let us carry their meaning in our hearts. To look at Him: contemplation; to live in Him: transformation into Him; to participate in his life in order to live like Him, to love as He loved, and to find the reason and “high measure “ of living as He did.

Let us entrust to Him our fears, our expectations and difficulties. Let us take shelter in his Heart - in this way we shall not only go into the deep, but will walk the path of life with Him. From the beautiful scene of the sea, of the Duc in altum, we now return to the image of the eagle: we leave the water to return to the shore.

Let us make this passage by recalling a charming eastern legend: to tie the rudder of the plow to a star. The plow, symbol of our labor on earth, will excavate deep trenches, like wounds, which will be filled with seeds of renewed generosity and renewed oblation. The power and light of the star is stronger that the weight of the soil. The star is Christ.

To Him, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to our “father/founder” we entrust our vocation and our walk of holiness.


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