Be Holy, Be Happy!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Saints, All Brothers and Sisters!

“God Chose Us...”
Eph 1:4

A reflection by Franca Salvo

“God chose us... to be holy... to be full of love.” I have meditated on and contemplated these words of St. Paul over the years, savoring them with great delight.

As I was reflecting on the deep effect that they continue to have in my heart, it became clearer and clearer to me that the word of God is alive. “It is not just ‘informative’ but ‘performative’; it can change our lives[1]”. Therefore the more I let the word of God abide in me, remain with me, the more God changes me and I become what I meditate and love: I am the chosen one! He makes me holy! He fills me with His love!

Yes, God chose us! God chose us to be holy! God chose us to be full of love!

He chose me, you, and you! Our Heavenly Father manifested His will and empowered us in His Son, Jesus the Lord, to be holy, to be full of love, to go about throughout the day, every day of our life, enveloped by His love, sowing love, singing for joy, until we see Him face to face!

Let us sing with the Psalmist:
Shout joyfully to God...
sing praise to the glory of His name;
proclaim His glorious praise

Filled with gratitude for the sacramental and liturgical life of Mother Church that empowers us to live rooted in faith-hope-love, let us continue our journey under the gaze of Mary, our Mother,
“eager in purpose
dutiful in conscience
hastening for joy.”

Then we will be ready to celebrate November 1st, All Saints Day, aware of God’s great love for all people, filled with zest for a world of All Saints, All Brothers and Sisters.

[1] Benedict XVI, Spe Salvi, Nov. 30, 2007, #4
[2] Psalm 66:1-3
[3] St. Ambrose

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