Be Holy, Be Happy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Novena Day Three and Day Four

·        Day THREE

Glorious Saint Michael, you are our guardian and defender. You are the protector of the Church. Come and assist us as we learn to follow Jesus more closely. Guide us to grow in holiness. Protect us from all evil, especially distractions and addictions that keep us from the Lord. Guard with special care our Holy Father, the Pope, our bishops, priests, all our consecrated and lay people, and especially the children.


·        Day FOUR

Today, more than ever, the world needs to see in us men and women who believe in an ideal; men and women who believe in the Word of the Lord and let it transform our lives to the point of total dedication; men and women who witness the Love that we wish to offer to all. With the help of grace, let us strive to make our commitment to Christ and to the Church ever stronger and our witness ever more credible (Giuliana Spigone).





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