Be Holy, Be Happy!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sitio: Prayers on Jesus' Thirst by Bishop Giaquinta

Let Me Quench Your Thirst
Bishop Giaquinta 

O Jesus Who, agonizing on the cross,
left Your faithful people
Your “I thirst” of love and sorrow,
grant that I, too, may quench Your tormented thirst. 

I understand that Your thirst is for all people,
and that for each one You, Eternal Word,
became flesh in the womb of the Immaculate Virgin
and cried in the cave at Bethlehem. 

For people, for their salvation and holiness,
You spent many years laboring and in silence
to teach them the way of work, silence, and humility. 

And in the villages of Judea and Galilee
You preached,
You taught,
You prayed and worked miracles
so that they could understand that You
are the true source of the living water,
and that only in You is there hope of peaceful rest. 

Many did not understand You,
some abandoned You,
and You,
began Your suffering way
that ended on the cross.
But from it, in a loud voice,
You told all people of Your love and Your thirst for souls. 

The Immaculate Virgin listened to Your voice;
John and the pious women stood with her.
Many others, throughout the centuries,
have listened to it and have experienced
torment for the salvation of others. 

Grant such a torment to me,
not only for their salvation but for their holiness.
Let this be my great ideal, the only ideal of my life.
Neither suffering nor work, neither death nor life,
neither joy nor sorrow constitute my reason
for choosing or desiring something
but only the good of others. 

I am and want to remain
in a state of complete availability to Your redemptive love.
What I ask of You, Heart of Christ the Redeemer,
is that I may be Your docile instrument in the work of redemption.
I am certain that through the intercession
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
You will accept my prayer,
the prayer of a humble creature. 

Anything that I think or feel is mine,
I give to You, O Lord;
but give me the grace
to enter into Your Heart,
Furnace of Redemptive Love,
in order to consume myself in it
out of love for You and my brothers and sisters.

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