Be Holy, Be Happy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Motherhood and Mary 2010

Motherhood is a gift of God. "I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord!" (Gn 4: 1), Eve exclaims after giving birth to Cain, her first-born son. With these words, the Book of Genesis presents the first motherhood in human history as a grace and joy that spring from the Creator's goodness (PJPII - Wednesday, 6 March 1996)


I have had the delight this past year to be present to several newly wed couples when they announced the birth of their first child as well as experienced couples with many children announce the birth of their 6,7 or 8th child! I have heard the joy in those who discovered their papers for adoption had gone through and soon they too would have a child. In all cases, the awareness of God’s gift of life was received with elation!


Thank you, Lord for the gift of those mothers, and those families that heroically witness their faith in you. You are  the giver of life, the source of the seed sown, and the one who helps each of us come into life in order to grow to the full stature of your Son, Jesus. I thank you for my own mother and father who said yes to life so that I too can praise you with my words and my life which is pure gift. Thank you Mother, of God who gave life to your Son Jesus so that we might have eternal life.  Amen!


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