Be Holy, Be Happy!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

9th and 10th Easter Stations

9th Station: Jesus Appears to His Disciples on the Shores of Lake Galilee

Msgr. Vaccari
How many times did the disciples eat breakfast with Jesus during his ministry? Yet it is this occasion after his resurrection that we remember. It is a great grace for them to share yet another meal with them and even though the disciples had fled from Jesus when he needed them most, he still wants to sit with them, to eat with them and to be with them. "Come, have breakfast" is an invitation for each of us to start our day with the Lord, to remain with him throughout the day and to enjoy his precious company through the evening.

From Teresa Monaghen
How many times did those disciples eat with the Lord, before during and after his passion? Every time we turn a page in the Gospels Jesus is serving them, and even after the resurrection in his glorified state. Does this not underline the dignity of service, the holiness of work, the greatness of labor? Did not Jesus say, do what I have done for you? Well then, we need to get out there and make breakfast for our family, our friends, our neighbors, and our enemies! Practically speaking, we must be ready to serve and give everything in the service of others. There is no greater joy than this, than to lay down one’s life in service for the others. Why are we not happy? We are eating breakfast alone, instead of making it for our brothers and sisters.

Oh Lord, I am not very good at serving, let alone making breakfast, but I understand the point: to be ready to give to the others first rather than waiting for them. I must call them to the table, and give what is really important. YOU! May it be so. Amen.

10th Station:Jesus Confers Primacy on Peter

Msgr. Vaccari
Jesus speaks to Peter and gives him the charge of feeding his flock. Three times Peter had denied him and now three times the Lord asked him about his love. Peter was hurt, and, if we did not know better, we might think Jesus was being petty. I can see myself and others asking three times for that reason. But Jesus is giving Peter the chance to address each of the denials. Even though he was hurt when Jesus asked him for the third time, Jesus was leading Peter forward, to a new and more profound declaration of his love, and giving him the grace and opportunity to say aloud and before the others, the opposite of what he had said in the courtyard that dreadful night. And with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI coming soon to the United States, we pray even more intently for the successor of Peter, and renew our love for him and the Lord he represents!

From Teresa Monaghen
Oh Peter! How embarrassing. You know your unworthiness but the Lord insists on forgiving you, loving you and making you the center of His attention. I am sure you would rather have sunk through the floor first before being set up as HEAD OF HE CHURCH FOR ALL TO SEE! Oh well, God’s ways are not our ways, thank God! Now it will always be known that the Lord really does love the sinner. He really meant what he said, that he came for the sick not the healthy. He loves you and he loves us all by making us Children of the Father and you, dear Peter, are head of this family of sinners! Peter, we believe in you just as Jesus did. Amen!

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