Be Holy, Be Happy!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Third Easter Station - Via Lucis

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

The first night might have brought a kind of numbness, after seeing all the agony and suffering that Jesus went through, and after watching him hang there on the cross. The morning of the Sabbath was perhaps the first Sabbath in a long time on which they did not see Him. They had become so used to praying with him and hearing him explain the Scriptures, that it might not have even seemed like the Sabbath to them, except that they observed the laws, as he would have wanted them to do. And on that Sunday morning, when the reality of his death and departure was sinking in more and more, Mary went to the tomb expecting to find his body there. What a shock to find he was missing and then what joy to hear him call her name, and to recognize him and his voice! Her heart was filled with great delight because the Lord spoke personally and tenderly to her. As for Mary, if we seek him we will find him. And our hearts are filled with joy too, knowing that he speaks personally and tenderly to each one of us, calling us by name with great love!
(Msgr. Andrew Vaccari)

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
Many times I have gone to the garden with Mary Magdalene in my prayerful imagination. I have cried with her over loss of a loved one and mourned with her in deep regret for my sins that may have caused hurt in someone else. Every time I pray this way, Mary and I discover the Lord. He is there in our loss and in our sorrow. He comes forward surprises the heck out of us and then holds us in a brief embrace. Our hearts speak loudly, “Here is our Lord, Savior and friend! He is risen!” He reminds us both, “Did I not tell you that my joy will be yours and your joy will be full? Let go of me now and go tell the others you have seen me, your Lord, Savior and friend.”

Oh Lord, my heart is filled to overflowing with love and gratitude for this scene that lives in my heart. Amen.
(Teresa Monaghen)

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