Be Holy, Be Happy!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Immaculate Conception Novena Day 8 12-7-2010

Holy Mary, Mother of God, let me keep a heart of a child, pure and transparent like springwater. Let me have a simple heart that does not linger to relish its own sorrows. A heart rich in giving, and easily moved to compassion; a faithful and generous heart that does not forget a good deed, yet it does not hold a grudge for an evil one. Make my heart humble, capable of loving without demanding to be loved in return, happy to lose itself within other hearts and to sacrifice itself before Your divine Son. A great and indomitable heart that no ungratefulness may close and no indifference may wear out. A heart tormented by the passion and glory of Jesus Christ, wounded by his love with a deep wound that will heal only in heaven. (L. de Grandmaison)

As I read the phrase above, what immediately strikes me and convicts me in the Holy Spirit is that yes, I am tormented by the passion and glory of Jesus Christ but only at specific times and in specific situations-- on Good Friday and Easter Sunday being the obvious responses and/ or when someone I know intimately is experiencing either great agony or great joy.  What I hear God calling me and all of us to is to broaden the outreach of our hearts.  Is this not what it means to be fully human and fully alive, and is this also not what Bishop Giaquinta was constantly calling us to in considering EVERYONE our brothers and sisters?  We should use all of our strength to feel as deeply as we can both the joy and pain of others and make every effort to respond to the maximum that we are able.

Dear Mother Mary,

You felt everything deeply and responded with maximum love, from the moment you said yes to the angel to the moment you held your son in your arms when he was taken down from the cross.  Teach us to respond likewise and have your Son and the Holy Spirit show us where are love and response is most needed in the coming days. 

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