Be Holy, Be Happy!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Novena for the Immaculate Conception (Day Nine)

Pro Sanctity Novena in preparation for the
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
November 29-December 8, 2012
All quotes are from our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Giaquinta and Giuliana Spigone, prayers from the AO Prayerbook.

1.     Read and Pause
2.     Pause and voice your intentions
3.     Pray Novena Prayer
4.     Option: Write your own reflections and prayers inspired by the Novena. Share with others.
5.     On the 8th of December, pray a closing prayer of thanksgiving for graces given. See prayers at the end of the outline

Intention: We are praying for communion in our community/family, and in our world, as we all hunger for the one same Bread!

Read and Pause: "…Dear friends, let us invoke the intercession of Mary, 'Our Lady of the Way', so that the joyful proclamation of salvation in Jesus Christ may bring hope to the hearts of those who are on the move on the roads of the world….” (October 25, 2011)

Pause and voice your intentions and then pray
Jesus, through and with Mary, let my heart be
the altar where You sacrifice Yourself
the tabernacle where You watch over us
the monstrance where You manifest Yourself to the world. Amen!


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