Be Holy, Be Happy!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Love is Revolution Day 18

Quote of the Day

God did not limit Himself to saving us; He made us sharers
in His own divine nature. Christ did not want to pay
the price of redemption (1 Cor 6:20) in a detached way,
but He became one of us, our brother.

 Isn't God's love amazing? He is not a distant deity but the God who says with His very being, "I am with you...I'll go with you." This should give us great confidence in responding to what we are called to do. We become witnesses of God's presence to the world, simply by living in His presence. Invite someone today to notice how God is with them in whatever situation or circumstances they are going through. Jesus is not only with us, He has conquered the darkness and the victory is ours! (Joan Patten, Apostolic Oblate, Pro Sanctity California)
We wish to fulfill the mission you have entrusted to us to speak of love and brotherhood to everyone.  Therefore, grant us, O Lord, the ability to speak and the courage to witness (from the prayer Builders of a New World, William Giaquinta)

12 days until the convention!!!  To register click on the link below


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