Be Holy, Be Happy!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Love is revolution day 24

Quote of the day 

We live in exceptional times, with the future holding events and problems still more extraordinary than what we face now; imperiously they ask of us a generous response, even a heroic one.

These words written in 1973 are as true today as they were then. Besides political, social and cultural changes based on lies and lack of respect for the dignity of the human person, marriage, family, etc., we face today the potential “for an ecological catastrophe” as Pope Francis states in LAUDATO SÍ, n. 4. Our Founder, the Servant of God G. Giaquinta, who through his words and example instilled in us maximum love towards God, others, the present moment; love and fidelity in living our vocation and mission in life “with the courage of martyrs and the tenderness of Jesus”; and fidelity to the teaching of Mother Church, repeats to us today: “My children, love the time in which Divine Providence has placed you, love your redemptive moment, live fully your mission in life, respond to today’s many demands keeping in mind Jesus’ example Who loved us up to the end, and Mary’s attitude who stood by the cross.”
Let us pray daily for the grace to have the courage of martyrs and the tenderness of Jesus in all our interactions.   (Franca Salvo, Apostolic Oblate Pro Sanctity Central States)

We wish to fulfill the mission you have entrusted to us to speak of love and brotherhood to everyone.  Therefore, grant us, O Lord, the ability to speak and the courage to witness (from the prayer Builders of a New World, William Giaquinta)

 6 days until the convention!!  To register click on the link below


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