Be Holy, Be Happy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Love is Revolution Day 8

Quote of the day

Our Christian life is not merely the application of Christ’s merits as a remission for our sins, rather it is a participation in the mystery of the Trinity. 

 God loves you so much that he wants you to share his 
deepest joy – the love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  When you were baptized, you were claimed for Christ by the sign of his cross and you were baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  God’s life and love came to live in you and lives through you!  Rejoice that your life in Christ is not a part-time life, but is in you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Action Step: When you make the sign of the cross, don't do it just
automatically, but be mindful that the life and love of God, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit, is alive in you!  (Fr Andrew Vaccari, Pro Sanctity spiritual advisor,  Pro Sanctity New York 

We wish to fulfill the mission you have entrusted to us to speak of love and brotherhood to everyone.  Therefore, grant us, O Lord, the ability to speak and the courage to witness (from the prayer Builders of a New World, William Giaquinta)

22 days until the convention!  To register go to and click on the gold REGISTER NOW link


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