Be Holy, Be Happy!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Novena for November 1st The Day of Universal Sanctification: Closing of the Year of Giaquinta

November 1: Lord, may we recommit ourselves to work as Your instruments in building a world of saints.

Pray “Lord, Grant Us Saints” prayer after praying the intention for the day:

Lord, grant us saints.

Grant us people of God,
people for whom God is everything.
Grant us people
filled with love for you;
people who never look
without seeing you,
never listen
without hearing you.
Grant us people able to rescue the world
from its materialism
by impressing it
with the evidence of your salvation.

Lord, we need saints.

You are the author and the apex of sanctity;
raise saints everywhere - -
among the poor and among the wealthy,
among the untutored and among the learned,
among people of the world
and among those consecrated - -
for the sanctification of the world
through the witness and proclamation of your transcendence.

Help people understand
that holiness is both a gift and a conquest.
Help them understand that to be a Christian
is to be a saint;
for a Christian is a person conformed to God:
a whole, integrated person.

Evoke in people the desire to become
what you have meant them to be,
by walking in integrity
as on a journey toward the dawn,
progressing into the perfect day.
Lord, we need saints because we need salvation.
Lord, grant us saints!
