Be Holy, Be Happy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Immaculate Conception Novena: Reflections from Women

Day Six:
Our ability to recognize this dignity [of women], in spite of historical conditioning, comes from the use of reason itself, which is able to understand the law of God written in the heart of every human being. More than anything else, the word of God enables us to grasp clearly the ultimate anthropological basis of the dignity of women, making it evident as a part of God’s plan for humanity.” (Letter to Women, 6)

As Christians, we are aware that God created man and woman with equal dignity. Each unique, but loved the same by our Creator. However, through our fallen nature the differences between man and woman have not always been seen as ‘good.’ Often, feminine qualities have implied weakness and, in certain circumstances, unfair conditions have been imposed on women.

The tragic cases throughout the world where women are not respected are grievances shared by Christians and the secular world alike. The “law of God written in the heart” brings us back to this truth. It is a universal truth that women and men are equal and even complementary. Reason and nature tell us this, yet the hardness of our hearts and fallen nature interfere.

But as Christians, we have countless stories and examples in Scripture of how God has blessed women and used them throughout salvation history. We especially have Mary. Conceived without sin. Full of grace. God chose a woman to be the model of humanity. She is the New Eve and God looked on her, as he did with our first parents, and saw that she was ‘very good.’ How blessed, particularly, is the role of motherhood because God chose Mary to give life and love to His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Reflection by Jenny Janeczko) (The picture is a tapestry in Notre Dame de France Church in London)

Mary, gift for your Son, gift for the sons and daughters of the whole human race, pray for us!

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