Be Holy, Be Happy!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Journeying with the Founder Day #2

November 2, 2013
Coming down from the mountain, Moses brings a Law with him that the people accept. The
Law, however, remains outside the people; it is a reality that must be searched for, known,
realized and lived. It implies great difficulties of knowledge, convictions, acceptance and
practicality. As a matter of fact, people are unable to keep the Law. God will make internal this
Law that was only external: He will write it in their hearts. The heart, according to Biblical
understanding, is the place of knowledge and, at the same time, the place of the will, of reflection
and sentiments. Consequently the moment when God no longer writes the law on the stone or on
the scroll but in the heart, it becomes almost a super-nature, an inner reality that is known, waited
for, loved and lived. Thus the motivations mentioned above for its violation—that the people do
not know the Law, do not understand it, and therefore do not accept and live it—will not be valid
anymore. The moment the Law becomes interior, profound, personal, and lived from within,
keeping it becomes easier. (The Covenant)

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