Be Holy, Be Happy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

8th Easter Station 2008

Jesus Confirms Thomas in Faith
Thomas wanted to be sure the Jesus who stood before him was truly the Jesus who had died a few days earlier. He wanted no pretend Jesus, no impostor. He wanted to see the wounds, to touch them and feel how they left a void in the flesh of Christ. It was a very intimate gesture between Jesus and Thomas, one that Jesus allowed even though Thomas had not believed the other disciples when they said Jesus had appeared to them. Thomas spoke from his heart, and the prayer has echoed in my heart and in the hearts of countless other disciples since then: "My Lord and my God." Let us ask Thomas during our moments of greatest doubt to take strength from his faith. Even if we do not see, we will still believe!
(Msgr. Vaccari)

Jesus confirms Thomas in his faith

Today I received a lovely note from a young person who several years ago felt her heart move to grow in her relationship with God. She made the commitment to do so, but backed out! She has since changed her life around and wants to make amends for those times she did not follow through and she wants to thank those who showed her Jesus through their witness.

What more do I need to know about how effective our little witness to others can be and that by our very desire to love the Lord, we witness the living Christ to others. We help one another to say YES to the Lord when we are faithful and it follows that we need one another to strengthen our doubts and fears.

Thank you, Lord for appearing to Thomas who then appeared to many others. It is an amazing domino effect of how you Lord shine through us so that others may believe and be strengthened! Amen.
(Teresa Monaghen)

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