Be Holy, Be Happy!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Immaculate Conception Novena: Reflections from Women

Day Two:

"Progress usually tends to be measured according to the criteria of science and technology. Nor from this point of view has the contribution of women been negligible. Even so, this is not the only measure of progress, nor in fact is it the principal one. Much more important is the social and ethical dimension, which deals with human relations and spiritual values. In this area, which often develops in an inconspicuous way beginning with the daily relationships between people, especially within the family, society certainly owes much to the 'genius of women'" (Letter to Women 9).

Often, things that are of great importance are also small and not easily noted. For example, one of the beautiful realities of Sacred Scripture is what it does not say. Most of the lives of Mary and Jesus are left un-related, unspoken, hidden in petals of obscurity. The beauty here is the sound of the Lord's voice as He calls us to unpetal the rose of Scripture in intimate prayer and allow the Spirit to work through our imaginations and show us what Jesus looked like as He began to walk, how Mary and Joseph's faces lit up as they spoke with one another, what Mary talked about with her neighbors, how many times Jesus ran out of the house to look up at the birds flying in the sky, whether Mary borrowed more flour from her neighbors or vice versa...the list goes on.

These things are important because, as John Paul II says above, world changes have their roots in "daily relationships with people, especially within the family" (Letter to Women 9). How much attention do we pay to the small aspects of relationships that are easy to miss? Eye contact, the tone of our voice, gestures, the phrasing of our questions; all of these things contribute to forming the people around us, whether into persons that trust in the love that God has for them, or into persons who begin to expect that no one will respond to them with anything but sarcasm and pessimism, or inattention. The most powerful way that this can be seen is in the image of a woman who is with child. All of her actions profoundly affect the new person within her. All of us, whether we are male or female, contribute to the spiritual growth of those around us (and many of us are still spiritual fetuses, newborns, and toddlers!!). Although John Paul II points out that it is the genius - the essence - of women to receive others with love and foster their growth, all of us are called to do this for others.

Today, take an image from Scripture to unpetal in which someone is exhibiting a nurturing attitude: Mary, pregnant with Jesus; Anne, pregnant with Mary; God the Father leading Israel through dangers to the Promised Land; Jesus teaching His disciples; Paul encouraging the new Christian churches at the beginning of his letters. Ask the Lord how He is calling you to measure the progress of your day according to the inconspicuous details of your daily relationships, and nurture His love in those around you.
(Reflection by Heidi Essay)

Wife and mother in the family of Nazareth, pray for us!

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