Be Holy, Be Happy!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #81

Tenderness has two essential qualities: that of motherhood and that of being naturally nurturing. The quality of
motherhood is characteristic of mothers, and we use this adjective especially to express the maternal sense that is the most exquisite, delicate and profound sense that we can find in the order of charity. At the same time we have a quality that is not forced or imposed, but that comes from our very nature; it is innate, simple, and logical and is called tenderness. Tenderness is in God because in Him there is the maximum of motherhood—creative motherhood—and there is the maximum of that innate sense of tenderness because He acts according to His nature. Out of our awareness, Divine Providence disposes everything for our good. We can see the effects of God’s action without being able to perceive His design. (Charity)

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