Be Holy, Be Happy!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Journeying with the Founder Day #120

Mary accepts what seems humanly absurd – indeed it is so! - with faith, serenity, and trust, and she abandons herself to the Lord. The mystery of God Who empties Himself; of His love for humanity that moves Him to choose a strange, humanly unimaginable way, strikes Mary who meditates, tries to go deeper, and trusts. Exactly because of her abandonment and openness, Mary accepts all always, even when times are difficult, even when people do not accept her Son. Where does Mary find her trust and where do we find our trust, our serenity, and our certainty? By being fully open to what the Lord asks from us: the root of our serenity lies in this openness, in this acceptance.

May Our Lady of Trust—Our Lady who is poor, trusting, open, and ready to accept—teach us this secret of acceptance by teaching us how to abandon ourselves wholly to the mystery of God’s love. (Feast of Our Lady of Trust, February 20, 1977)

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