Be Holy, Be Happy!

Monday, January 28, 2008

DAY THREE: Model of Mercy

Poem by the Founder, translated by Franca Salvo with help from Rita Hejkal

The picture is one of the earliest versions of Our Lady of Trust!


O gentle woman
of the journey of life,
O lady of many faces
and all ages,
I offer you a mimosa.

I come close to you
with trepidation,
and ask for your forgiveness:
At times human lust
considers you a thing,
Your beauty is never spoiled.

Even when you have been violated,
You never lose the essence of a tender, delicate
mother, sister,
or spouse.

I come close to you to thank you,
O vibrant note of Divine Love,
ever-living reflection
of God’s tender care.

William Giaquinta
* The mimosa is a delicate, tropical flower, sensitive to touch and light.


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