Be Holy, Be Happy!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Reflection on the Omaha local board Retreat

On Sat., Bernadette Esposito gave a wonderful morning retreat to the members of the Omaha local board. Her theme was fear and how real spiritual fears can debilitate us. How often do we act like Adam and Eve who thought they could hide from God in His own garden?

I often talk to my junior high students about this, I see their adolescent fears on a daily basis. Here's a prayer that I shared with them to help them out, those of you who are fans of Dune may recognize where I got it from:

Blessed Mother Mary,
Fear, fear is the the mind-killer
Help me to face my fears
and let them pass through me.
And when they are gone
may there be nothing
except the Love of Christ,
your Son, My Lord. Amen.

I teach the kids to repeat it like a mantra, inviting Mary, who has now conquered all fear and is always ready to help us, to be that light in the darkness of fear.



The Pro Sanctity Family said...

Nick, thanks. It was great to read your insights. What a good "habit" to share with your students, it will change their lives and stay with them for life! Teresa

Unknown said...

Now I feel compelled to go google "Dune"! I've never heard of it before... But the prayer is beautiful - in the midst of my own fears in the classroom, I often forget that my students are facing their own (often greater) fears at the same time.