Be Holy, Be Happy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In Preparation for Novemeber 1st: let us align ourselves with the angels and saints as we journey toward the day of Universal Sanctification!

October 16, St. Hedwig and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
“I have come to bring fire upon the earth. How I wish that it were kindled!” (Lk 12:49).

We have a double header of holiness today! What did these two saints who lived hundreds of years apart have in common? They both were saints after the heart of God and burning with holiness. Their lives show how they sought to please God through faithfully living out their vocations, one a queen and one a nun.They strengthened their relationship with God through prayer and charitable works.

Bishop Giaquinta's own heart was also one with the heart of God. In Spirituality of the Pro Sanctity Movement he said,

"When we analyze the heart of Jesus, what do we find? We find the marks of redemption. When Jesus revealed his heart to St. Margaret Mary, He showed her a flame and a cross – the symbols of his redemptive love. What is, I dare to ask, the soul of the heart of Jesus? It is redemptive love – the love that prompted Him to all the consequences that we heard. Ultimately, why did Jesus become flesh, suffer and die on the cross? He did it to elicit from us an act of potentially infinite love. The highest and most intimate expression of Jesus’ redemptive love is summarized in one word: 'Sitio', 'Thirst.' Jesus came for souls, suffered for souls up to his last breath, and uttered his thirst for souls. Jesus’ 'Sitio' is not only the ultimate expression of his love, but an invitation to us to understand the extent of his love."

"This mystery of the love of God and of Jesus is extremely vast, gently sweet, but also tremendously challenging. It is a mystery that does not allow us to remain indifferent, to waver or to be faint-hearted. Rather, it impels us, as we said, to use the logic of our mind and heart and seriously strive to become saints." (Giaquinta)


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