Be Holy, Be Happy!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Prayers for Sharon

The Pro Sanctity Family unites together in prayer for Sharon Jochim (pictured on right), who is dying. We entrust her and her family to Our Mother of Trust and ask Our Lady for peace and docility to God's will. We recall the words of Giuliana on April 4, 1998:

Our life is a story written all over with letters of love and pain. They help us to live, to console. They make us strong in adversity and in difficulty. They bring a message of faith in God Who uses even pain to enable us to perceive His infinite joy. There is a lot of peace and a lot of hope in each of us. Not by chance our Founder wished to call us "Sowers of Hope. We wish to sow seeds of hope in the world of today. But we need a lot of patience and self surrender in God Who only can give fruitfulness to our action.

In these days I have experienced the patient love of a mother, the silent suffering, quiet heroic of a spouse. Sharon Jochim, a Cooperative Oblate from Omaha, has lost her husband, a young man of 52, father of eight. In the midst of pain for her sudden loss, she found strength to fight the incredible, to overcome her fears, to sublimate her love, to accept life as mission of love for her children. This event has been a strengthening of our own faith, a new commitment of each of us to sustain her. We from afar, with our prayer, those of Omaha with signs of solidarity and sympathy.

Let us celebrate the Pasch of the Lord, the New Life that is given to us every day, but is so overwhelming, felt and joyful during this Holy Season. May peace blossom in our hearts amidst the difficulties of always. Mortal sadness and hope that keep us alive are part of our lives. They touch us deeply at this time of Crucifixion and Resurrection. There is always in us a veil of nostalgia, a "desire for the more", and nostalgia of eternal. At the same time, it is alive and strong, a promise of new life, of an oblation always more generous, heroic, capable of giving a new expression to the world in which we live and to the entire world, still unknown to us, but becoming now our new responsibility.

All sadness is turned into joy on Easter Sunday even though we are not always aware of it. The mystery of the Risen Lord is announced discreetly, silently without angels and earthquakes, without apparitions or bright lights, with simple signs. an empty tomb, a dropped linen. These signs become light: faith is born. We believe in Love even though facing an empty tomb.

May the Lord allow each of us to be attentive to all the experiences and all the "colors" of life. May He give us a perseverant love, fidelity to our oblation so that we may become strong and discreet lights of the Risen Lord. Our Founder, immersed now in the contemplation of the Risen Lord, intercedes for us to Mary who loved much, Mary our Sweet Mother of Trust. He asks from her to give us courage to repeat our "Eccomi", "Here, I am Lord," without reserves, without measures. May the Holy Spirit, permanent source of peace, open the hearts and minds of many young people to the divine call. May He give them the courage to walk the demanding and courageous road of charity and a generous commitment.



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