Be Holy, Be Happy!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sitio: Prayers on Jesus' Thirst by Bishop Giaquinta

Stay by Them, Lord
Bishop William Giaquinta

Jesus our Lord, from the height of the Cross
You called us to contemplate Your love;
here we are, docile to Your invitation.

O Eucharistic Jesus, while we are here before You
how can we forget
our struggling and suffering brothers and sisters,
far and near,
who ask for help through our prayers?

We present to You, Lord, their desires
and their unspoken invocation for help
in all their needs. 

Stay by them, Lord, and give them interior certainty
that Your love does not abandon any child
born from the suffering of the Cross.

We make this prayer trusting that
Mary -- Your mother and our mother --
will beg from You what we are asking today.

Lord, we have yet another request.
As suffering and need are common to all the world
and make us one,
so may we be one in brotherhood.
May we cultivate an ever-growing love
for You until we reach You in Heaven.

Grant this to us, O Lord. Amen


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