Be Holy, Be Happy!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Journeying with the Founder Day #38

Lord, for too long we were accustomed to thinking of Mary as a limitless reality, transcending our faculties. We might even say we thought of her as almost infinite, even if that is not so… Lord, You have taught us that it is not so. Mary is great; Mary is the Immaculate; Mary is Your mother in order to be our mother and our model of holiness. Mary’s Immaculate Conception is not meant to alienate us from her; instead it calls us closer to her so that we may reach You with her, despite our poor, meager state of holiness, of purity, and
of transparency. For this reason You remind us that today is a day of celebration, a day of joy; it is a day of trust. Lord, increase in us always this love for Mary, mother and model of our holiness (Homily December 8th, 1987).


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