Be Holy, Be Happy!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


But your motherly look which follows us, and your Immaculate Heart, which your Son points out to us, open our souls to a new feeling – the assurance of your help. And we want it, O Mary. We ask it of you, we beg for it, O loving Mother.

What a lesson for me is the longing evidenced in this passage.  Because although I know I have a relationship with God and Jesus and Mary, the times when I long for it are entirely too few.  Easier for my heart to contemplate are the longings I have to be with those closest to me here on earth, my husband, my mother and dear friends who have passed away.  Perhaps the most valuable lesson, then, is to consider God the Father, Mary and Jesus just as real to us (or maybe even  more real since they are divine and truly know everything about us and love us infinitely) as those people who are dearest to us. 

Prayer:  Dear God and Jesus and Mary, help me to know just how real you are and how infinitely strong your desire is to help me know the will of God and follow it

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