Be Holy, Be Happy!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Founders Novena Day 2 June 7th 2010

As you recall, we are reflecting on Bishop Giaquinta's motto from his coat of arms  "Put Out into the Deep"

The second word of this simple phrase "out" implies moving beyond ourselves.  Of course we must start with our own interior holiness, but we cannot become so isolated that we forget about those around us.  The very heart of Bishop Giaquinta's spirituality involves reaching out to our brothers and sisters, which,  by his definition, includes all people.  He said in his book "Brotherhood" that we should treat all people as though we already know them because they either already are our brother in Christ, or by His grace could potentially be wtih the proper evangelization. 

Bishop Giaquinta please pray that I may have the strength today to move beyond myself, to bring the love of Christ to my brothers and sisters. 

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