Be Holy, Be Happy!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Founders Novena Day 8 June 13th 2010

Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men."  (Luke 5:10)

Although fear and trembling is an appropriate response to the awesomeness of God as we discussed yesterday, throughout all of Scripture we are reminded again and again to "fear not".  Scripture also tells us that a sparrow does not fall without the Father's knowledge and that even the hairs on our head are numbered. 

This intense love and care that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has for us should fill us with hope and confidence. I know for me and perhaps others of you, I approach the unknown with fear more often than hope.  I would  much rather control everything myself and know exactly what is going to happen when than to trust God.  But how can we not trust the one who loved us enough to die for us and knows all of the hairs on our head. 

And being fishers of men means doing everything we can to cummunicate God's love to those around us so that they may too be "caught" into the family of God and know His love. 

Bishop Giaquinta please pray with us that we may put our fear into God's hands and look for the opportunities to "fish" that you put into our path daily. 

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