Be Holy, Be Happy!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Immaculate Conception Novena Day 7 12-6-2010

Holy Mary, Mother of God, let me keep a heart of a child, pure and transparent like springwater. Let me have a simple heart that does not linger to relish its own sorrows. A heart rich in giving, and easily moved to compassion; a faithful and generous heart that does not forget a good deed, yet it does not hold a grudge for an evil one. Make my heart humble, capable of loving without demanding to be loved in return, happy to lose itself within other hearts and to sacrifice itself before Your divine Son. A great and indomitable heart that no ungratefulness may close and no indifference may wear out. A heart tormented by the passion and glory of Jesus Christ, wounded by his love with a deep wound that will heal only in heaven. (L. de Grandmaison)

Great and indomitable.  The dictionary defines indomitable as "impossible to subdue"  I rarely see these qualities in myself.  So often my own sinfulness, selfishness, laziness and weariness subdue me, keep me from doing things I know I should as I replace these things with sleep or my own pleasure.  Mary must have been very tired and frightened during the process of her pregnancy and hurt by those who  shunned her because they  thought it was the result of immorality on her part.  And yet, by remaining close to the Father and the Spirit who overshadowed her and her betrothed Joseph who cared for her she found the strength to persevere. 

Dear Mother Mary,

Teach me to fnd strength as you did-- by staying close to the holy ones in my own life, my dear family and friends, and those saints who have gone before me who I know are there to help me along the way if I ask them. Teach me also to find ways to show greatness and indomitability in my acts of love, which come not from me alone, but in my cooperation with God who wants to show His love through me. 

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