Be Holy, Be Happy!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Immaculate Conception Novena Day 9 12-8-2010

Holy Mary, Mother of God, let me keep a heart of a child, pure and transparent like springwater. Let me have a simple heart that does not linger to relish its own sorrows. A heart rich in giving, and easily moved to compassion; a faithful and generous heart that does not forget a good deed, yet it does not hold a grudge for an evil one. Make my heart humble, capable of loving without demanding to be loved in return, happy to lose itself within other hearts and to sacrifice itself before Your divine Son. A great and indomitable heart that no ungratefulness may close and no indifference may wear out. A heart tormented by the passion and glory of Jesus Christ, wounded by his love with a deep wound that will heal only in heaven.    (L. de Grandmaison)

The phrase "wounded by his love" struck me as curious at first, because love is meant to heal and not wound.  In reflecting further I believe this word is all about intensity.  We are all to be so overwhelmed by his perfect and infinite love that it should actually cause us pain to realize that not everyone is aware of it.  Am I wounded by his love?  I fear that I am not.  I spend so much time being comforted by it that I fail to "cry for the desert" as my favorite songwriter Twila Paris puts it.  Our writer for this nine days of reflection also reminds us that this would "will only heal in heaven".  We are to be reminded that earth is not our permanent home but only a temporary stop toward our final goal which is to reach heaven.  Our Mother Mary, who has been crowned queen of heaven and who we honor in this special feast of her Immaculate Conception will surely help us along the way and be there to greet us when we arrive. 

Dear Mother Mary

Teach us to feel deeply the wound of a world that does not know the love of your Son.  Help us to communicate it as  clearly as we can with our words and our actions so that others will be drawn to follow.  Guide us toward heaven by helping us hear your voice and His voice so that we can follow your instruction and "do whatever He tells you"


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