Be Holy, Be Happy!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

DAY TWO: IC Novena with Mary ...

There is an expression that says, "timing is everything" and that certainly is the case with God. "At a designated time God was born of a woman" (Gal. 4:4). We don't give ourselves time to ponder this fact. We rush right by it and don't think deeply about it, but just think about it: God not only was born (first mystery) but also born of a WOMAN, a HUMAN, a FLESH AND BLOOD PERSON! Ponder that!

What do we do in a Novena? Pray each day that the mystery deepen, enter the mystery and grow in greater awareness and conviction. Novenas are great because they give us this "time" to ponder a mystery that is much beyond our capacity to understand, and every year when the Novena time returns, we ponder anew and insights are given that help to enter into the mystery of the incarnation, to love it and live it!

What to do?
1. Take time to pray a little prayer each day (see below).
2. Ponder and pause upon the mystery of Mary's immaculate conception.
3. Be open to the graces the Lord wants to pour into your heart.
5. Remember that at the "designated time, you too will be full and filled with God's presence!
God's timing is perfect! Amen.

Let us pray, O Mary, Virgin most pure and spotless, who came to earth to propose to us anew, in all of its beauty, the ideal of new life in Christ, beckon us.

You show us what we should be, but are not.

Freed from evil before it even touched you, you invite us to the great battle between good and evil in which Christ, by crushing the head of the serpent, won His eternal victory.

This victory can be ours if, obedient to the word of God and hand in hand with you, Mary, we walk on the bright road opened to us by Christ.

Draw us to yourself, Mary, until the day when in joy everlasting we shall be able to contemplate the glorious face of Christ, unveiled forever. Amen.

1 comment:

Joyful Catholic said...

I just read your novena to Our Lady of Trust this morning for only the 2nd time. I'm not very good at novenas, obviously. Lent is my favorite time in the Liturgical year. I hope to gather with Pro Sanctity members 'sometime' in the not too distant future. Please keep me in prayer as I long to draw closer to Christ and Our Mama Most Holy (as St Gerard called our Mother) this Lent. I desire to grow in holiness and just read Papa Benedict's Lenten Reflection. What a way to start the season, than with this profound and yet so easy to read pre-Lent lesson for us all!
PAX~ susie