Be Holy, Be Happy!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Love is Revolution Day 10

Quote of the Day

He knew our congenital and innate poverty, so He did not
limit Himself to “becoming one of us” but wanted instead us
to “become Him.” Baptism, the Eucharist, and the Church
as His Mystical Body are three inseparable aspects of the
total victory of love over sin that Christ accomplishes in us,
inserting us into His reality.

In this quote from Bishop Giaquinta, he speaks of Christ "inserting us into His reality." As a stay-at-home mom of a toddler and a preschooler, I experience this amazing insertion into Christ's reality every time I am surprised to find myself being patient with my kids when I'd rather be yelling at them. No matter how much I love my kids, and no matter how much I pray to be a good mother to them, I still slip up pretty often. But once in a while, I seem to slip into "the zone. At these times, even though I'm tempted to yell at them or ignore them, I respond with patience and love. This kind of perfection does not exist in my reality. does in God's. I know He is, by HIS grace, inserting me in to HIS reality, just for moments at a time. In these moments, Jesus gives me a taste of what He is calling me to be, even though I'm not there yet! And I'll tell you what; it tastes good. The next time you are tempted to push yourself to be "holier" in some way (or perhaps to do the opposite and despair that you will ever get past your own habitual sins), invite Jesus to come be the victor in your battle. Ask Him to insert you into His reality of beauty and joy, if only for a moment, so that you can taste it and know how good is that towards which you are striving. He may take His time, but He will not disappoint you.
(Heidi Emanuel, wife, mother,  Pro Sanctity Central States)

We wish to fulfill the mission you have entrusted to us to speak of love and brotherhood to everyone. Therefore, grant us, O Lord, the ability to speak and the courage to witness (from the prayer Builders of a New World, William Giaquinta)

20 days until the convention! To register go to and click on the gold REGISTER NOW link 


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