Be Holy, Be Happy!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Love is revolution day 30

Quote of the day 

 Let us try to become apostles of spiritual brotherhood in all
environments, at all levels, with all means, and we will see
for ourselves that the real need of today is to regain among
ourselves a true, generous, complete brotherhood; and to
give a profound and substantial content to our relationship

with God.

“The real need of today” strikes me as I consider this in the context of brotherhood.  How true this is, because if we genuinely loved everyone as brothers and sisters we could not stand to see them hungry or naked or lonely,  so all of the other issues would fall away as we sought meet everyone’s  needs, physical, emotional and spiritual.  How true also it is that  this gives “substantial content to our relationship with God”.   What act of service, can I perform this day and every day to let the revolution begin?  Let us ask God to help us answer this question each day from this point forward.  True and unconditional love and brotherhood will indeed start a revolution that would never end.   Amen, let it be so.  (Joan Kash, wife and long time Pro Sanctity member, Pro Sanctity Central States) 

We wish to fulfill the mission you have entrusted to us to speak of love and brotherhood to everyone.  Therefore, grant us, O Lord, the ability to speak and the courage to witness (from the prayer Builders of a New World, William Giaquinta) 

The convention starts tomorrow!!!!


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