Be Holy, Be Happy!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Love is Revolution Day 12

Quote of the Day

Love is looking at the Father Who has loved us to the point
of not sparing His own Son for our sake (Rm 8:32). Love is listening to the divine Word, Jesus the Incarnate Word, Who has come to reveal to us the ineffable mystery of a FatherWho loves us infinitely and wants the totality of our love.

This quote reminds me of the "Love Is..." cartoons, but while most of them are cute, they are also shallow, depicting human love for one another, which is limited and often conditional. The contrast is that here, Bishop Giaquinta is talking about the Father, who loves us "infinitely", "to the point of not sparing His own Son for our sake". This is an unconditional love so deep, it is beyond all human understanding. As Christians, we talk all the time about God's love, but how often do we contemplate the true depth of that love? How often do we allow ourselves to really feel the Father's love in our hearts and souls?
In today's world, we are often too busy to take the time. Many people are uncomfortable with feeling loved, because they don't feel they deserve it. Regardless of whether we take the time or allow ourselves to feel it, the Father's love is there. We are His children, and He loves us infinitely.
Jesus, knowing His fate, loved the Father so much that He accepted this fate because it was the Father's will. Jesus gave the totality of His love, for the Father as well as for us. Jesus encourages us to give the totality of our love to the Father as well.
Action step:
Make a point to spend time contemplating the Father's love for you personally. Ask the Father to show you His love for you as His son/daughter. Stay with this feeling and allow His love to fill you up. Then examine your love for the Father. Are you holding back? Ask Jesus for insight on how you can give the Father the totality of your love. (Theresa Rakes, long time Pro Sanctity member, Pro Sanctity Central states)

We wish to fulfill the mission you have entrusted to us to speak of love and brotherhood to everyone. Therefore, grant us, O Lord, the ability to speak and the courage to witness (from the prayer Builders of a New World, William Giaquinta)

18 days to the convention! To register go to and click on the gold REGISTER NOW link

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