Be Holy, Be Happy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Love is revolution day 29

Quote of the day

 We are a family born from love, a family in which one
must live with love toward the Father—live, that is, a life of
holiness—a life with inner relationships that are as among
brothers and sisters, and that must be regulated by love.

We are a family.  All of us are brothers and sisters in Christ.  I remember reading in Bishop Giaquinta’s book, Brotherhood that we should treat everyone as though we have always known them because they either already are our brother/sister or they could potentially become so.  I fail so often at this.  Even those who really are my family or close friends I often do not give the care and consideration they deserve.  I so easily take them for granted.

Let our action this day be to pray for the grace to treat everyone as though we have always known them.  And then let us actually DO IT.  Can you imagine what a different, amazing world we would live in if we treated everyone we met with the same love which we give our spouse, parent, or very best friend?  It would be a revolution indeed.  (Joan Kash, wife and long time Pro Sanctity member Pro Sanctity Central States)

We wish to fulfill the mission you have entrusted to us to speak of love and brotherhood to everyone.  Therefore, grant us, O Lord, the ability to speak and the courage to witness (from the prayer Builders of a New World, William Giaquinta) 

1 Day to the convention!!!!


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